This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Сбросьте все карты с руки быстрее, чем оппонент (или оппоненты, если игра для троих). Дополнительные очки могут быть заработаны, если вы "пообещали" ("bet"), что сбросите карты первым и выполнили это обещание.


Допустимая карточная комбинация в этой игре может быть одного из следующих видов:

- НАБОР - это произвольное число карт одного достоинства (например, одна восьмерка, две пятерки, три девятки - 8, 55, 999) - ПОСЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬНОСТЬ - это группа, состоящая из трех или более карт одинаковой масти следующих строго по порядку (например - красные 3,4,5 ИЛИ зеленые 6,7,8 ИЛИ синие 2,3,4,5,6,7) -

  • a "sequence" is a group of 3 or more cards of the same color with consecutive rank (ex: red 8, red 9, red 10)
  • a "sequence" can also be a group of 2 or more pairs or larger sets of consecutive rank sharing the same suits between sets (ex: blue 3, green 3, blue 4, green 4, blue 5, green 5)
  • a "bomb" is one of the following combination (ranked below from lowest to highest):
    • 3-5-7-9 (in 4 different colors, "rainbow bomb")
    • J-Q
    • J-K
    • Q-K
    • J-Q-K
    • 3-5-7-9 (in one color, "suited bomb")

Face cards can be used as wild cards to replace any cards in a "set" or a "sequence". Each player starts a round with a Jack, a Queen and a King. These face cards are public.

At your turn, you have to play a higher ranking combination with exactly the same type and same number of card that the first combination played. You can also pass. Bombs are an exception: you can play a bomb to beat any combination, except a higher bomb.

When all but one player pass in succession, the player who played the highest combination capture all cards played. Important exception: if the highest combination is a bomb, cards are captured by the player with the next higher combination. Then, a new trick starts. The winner of the last trick leads the new trick with any combination.

Scoring overview

  • At the moment you shed your last card: 5 points per card in the hand of the player who held the most cards.
  • Cards captured values: 2-4-6-8-10 = 0 point, 3-5-7-9 = 1 point, J = 2 points, Q = 3 points, K = 5 points.
  • 30 points for a successful "Big bet", 15 points for a successful "Little bet". Points from unsuccessful bets are added to scores of the round's winner and to player(s) who did not bet.